Leah, Kurt and Karter

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day!!

So its Valentines day today!! Kurt and I had our date last night. My mum took Karter and we went to dinner at Red Robins (fancy I know!) and saw a movie called Valentines Day! Which was very funny! Even Kurt thought so. It was one of those chick flick comedys that wives have to drag their husbands to see. In the end I think he liked it. On friday Karter has his first valentines party to go to. The kids made little bags for their valentine cards. They decorated cupcakes with candies and played together. It was a good day! Karter and I had to leave the party early to go have lunch with my mum, grandma, sister and her friend and their kids. After that we went back to the party. Lunch was good. I haven't seen my sister since my wedding which was 8 months ago. I wish we were closer! not just in distance but in sisterhood as well. Well hopefully next week brings some excitment!

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